Bienvenidos a una busqueda.

Buscar sin preocuparse de encontrar.Buscaros a vosotros.Sorprenderse a uno mismo y compartir una experiencia muchas veces intima.Pintura,dibujo,decoracion, realidad es poliedrica y todo se interrelaciona.Toda obra cobra vida con el otro.Si algo os gusta preguntadme...Tu mirada ilumina.

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Capturar el momento...capture the moment.

 Un juego equ espero tenga una larga vida.Dibujar en vivo,apuntes del natural,libertad
A game I hope will have a long live.Live draw.Liberty at work...
Trabajando en el cualquier sitio con la gente...
Working every where with people...

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

Trabajo en proceso...Work in progress

"Dormida(Y los sueños)"Oleo sobre tabla.
"Asleep(And The dreams)" Oil on wood.
"Principe Valiente"Oleo sobre tabla(detalle)
"Prince Valiant"Oil on wood(Detail)

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011


And the day i´ll find your fountain,i'll stay to live near
And be thirsty every day
And drink every day.
And circle it of life.
And build a city.
   And a palace with many windows.
And be thirsty.
And you will give me to drink.
Every day.
Time it´s running out.
Hope is lost.
Life is going.

How much I love the dreams that end up
in your skin.
Every morning

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Pinturemas....Paintext.(a work in progress)...un trabajo en proceso

 Do you really thik I need to talk,said something?
I need to shut up.
 are the things useful for food or
shelter us than bring us life
Close my eyes
let the sun warm my face this cool winter
dream about you.
...Who are you?

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011


 "3 dias(alejandra)Oleo sobre tabla
"3 days"Oil on wood

"El pajarito"Lapiz y oleo sobre tabla
"The bird"Pencil and oil on wood